BAD MAMA JAMA - $7,500
Only Two Available
Prominent logo placement on all What the Funk?! email invites, promotions, event signage and website
Acknowledgment in all What the Funk?! press releases
Full Page ad in program
Seating for 4 all three nights of the festival
Access to Official Afterparty on Night 3 of Festival (Access for 4)
Opportunity to offer product(s)/services to go into VIP Goodie Bags
Stand-alone pre-event acknowledgment on What the Funk?! social media (Facebook and Instagram)
On stage mention throughout the weekend
CAN YOU DIG IT! - $5,000
Only Three Available
Logo inclusion on all What the Funk?! email invites, promotions, website and event signage
Acknowledgment in all What the Funk?! press releases
½ Page ad in program
2 Tickets for each night of our three night festival
2 Tickets for the VIP and Performer Afterparty
Opportunity to offer product(s)/services to go into VIP Goodie Bags
Stand-alone pre-event acknowledgment on What the Funk?! social media (Facebook and Instagram)
On stage mention throughout the weekend
Only Three Available
Listing on What the Funk?! email invites, promotions, website and event signage
Logo in Festival Program
2 Tickets to Opening Night of the Festival
2 Tickets for the VIP and Performer Afterparty
Opportunity to offer product(s)/services to go into VIP Goodie Bags
Pre-event acknowledgment on What the Funk?! social media (Facebook and Instagram)
On stage mention throughout the weekend
Many Available
Listing on What the Funk?! email invites, promotions, website and event signage
Logo in Festival Program
Opportunity to offer product(s)/services to go into VIP Goodie Bags
Pre-event acknowledgment on What the Funk?! social media (Facebook and Instagram)
VIP and Performer Afterparty - $4,000
One Available
The VIP and Performer Afterparty is the last night of What the Funk?! Following the crowning of Grand Master Funk 2023.
½ Page ad in program
4 Tickets for the last night of the festival
4 Tickets for the VIP and Performer Afterparty
Logo on VIP and Performer Afterparty signage
Stand-alone pre-event acknowledgment on What the Funk?! social media (Facebook and Instagram)
Welcome Party - $2,500
One Available
Be a part of the pre-FUNK! Our welcome party allows performers to mingle and connect before the BIG weekend.
½ Page ad in program
2 Tickets for the last night of the festival
2 Tickets for the VIP and Performer Afterparty
Logo on Welcome Party Signage
Stand-alone pre-event acknowledgment on What the Funk?! social media (Facebook and Instagram)
Photo Booth - $2,500 or In-Kind
One Available
One Photo Booth Level sponsor opportunity open. This 3D photo booth lets attendees move and groove while their video is being taken at lightning speed.
Banner with logo near 3D photo booth.
Recognition on stage during What the Funk?!
¼ Page Ad space in program booklet (value $150)
Organization listed on sponsor page in program booklet as Photo Booth Sponsor
Organization branded on the Photos from Photo Booth
FUNKfactor - $500
Many Available
Demonstrate your commitment to assisting marginalized people being able to have financial accessibility to festivals by becoming a FUNKfactor.
Logo on website and any benefactor communications
Listed on our website as a What the Funk?! FUNKfactor
Pre-event acknowledgment on What the Funk?! social media (Facebook and Instagram)
VIP Goodie Bags! - $500
Six Available
Add some sparkle to our Performer and VIP Goodie Bags! These bags are beloved by our performers, headliners, and VIPs. By becoming a Goodies sponsor you will make sure our bags offer our Performers and VIPs the best of what marginalized businesses and artists have to offer as we purchase directly from these creators and businesses.
Logo in Festival Program
Pre-event acknowledgment on What the Funk?! social media (Facebook and Instagram)
Invite to the Afterparty
VIP Bag Sponsor - $1,500
Zero Available
Your logo alongside the Puckduction, Stay Up Late Show and What the Funk?! logos on reusable bags that our VIP guests and performers will carry around with them throughout the event and beyond.
Logo on VIP bag
Organization listed on the sponsor page in the program booklet as VIP Bag Sponsor.
Organization listed in slideshow as VIP Bag Sponsor.
What the Funk Fan Fam - $250 to $499
Many Available
Wanna show What the Funk?! some love and support? Donating at this level allows us to provide all kinds of additional support for the festival including administrative costs, on the ground transportation, promotional materials, and more.
Name listed in What the Funk?! program
Pre-event acknowledgment on What the Funk?! social media (Facebook and Instagram)
Listed on What the Funk?! website on our What the Funk Fan Fam page for 2023